Friday, July 6, 2012

Blog with Pictures...

  This the the thing, blogs are supposed to be consistent, though I have an ipad, I cannot make it apply pictures.  But I still want to write this blog so I will when I am home and can use my home computer.  I can hope that I become better at using my ipad so I can be more regular in posting,because really, who wants a blog without pictures. And when I am traveling, I have no access to them.

  I arrived in Durham on June 3, a Sunday.  The Busbee's had also arrived home that day from a short vacation to the Outer Banks.  Melanie (my daughter in love) was to start back to work on the following Monday, and so she did.  I was a little apprehensive as to my skill level with a three month old and an almost three year old.  I found that there are somethings you don't forget.  I very quickly found my rhythm and we were off to a wonderful two week and two day adventure. 

   Caleb and I like to go outside in the morning and throw a ball or two off the porch, or blow bubbles or whatever strikes our fancy.  When I first arrived, Miss Natalie was pron to taking a morning nap while we played on the porch. We kept the baby monitor handy as I was not sure if I would hear Natalie cry.
  This was taken early in my visit as well while Caleb was taking his afternoon nap.  Natalie and I did not play ball, but we had a ball talking about birds and brothers and the Bible.  Now isn't that just the sweetest smile.

  Before I go back to North Carolina I will post again.  There is so much to say about the last months.  God Bless each of you who read this brief update.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I started this Blog several days ago at home, I am now in North Carolina, unable to up load again. I decided to just post this anyway. So here it is: Today I am going to write from my home computer.  It seems to be more friendly to my blog.  I can post pictures!  See. This is our back yard as of  last Saturday. The story of this picture started last January. Up til January we had papaya trees in our back yard. They had been through several years of growing and freezing. They would make fruit but it would rot before the fruit ripened. So year after year, we had a mess to clean up. The roots of the trees, combined with other factors, left our yard almost grassless. The grass that was left was not in good shape so we needed to make a decision. In January we took the trees down, roots and all, and started working on getting rid of the weeds in the "grassy" area.  We did not know exactly what we were going to do with that area, but it was a start. We thought about putting in a stone patio or trees and grass, or just grass, we just did not know. January turned to Feb and Feb to March with no decision in sight. In March we welcomed Natalie, our first granddaughter, into the world, in North Carolina.  While we were there for Natalie's birth we saw a garden, in Jed's back yard he had redesigned.  (Jed is our son) He had added gardening boxes to the outside edge of his existing garden, and it was a lovely sight to see. We were inspired and came home with thoughts of how to create a garden in our space. I drew a design and gave it to Pat (my hubby) to see. He liked it, so we were set.  First we bought enough lumber to make two of the four triangles, they are 12x8x8. On Easter Sunday, in the afternoon, Pat and a friend made, placed and leveled the first two. The following weekend we made another trip to LOWES for the rest of the lumber. Pat and I put those together, placed them and leveled them and started filling them with compost.  It took several trips to the free compost place to filled all 4 triangles. For good maeasure, we bought a yard of compost from a local garden place and put it on as a top layer. The picture I've posted is the finished garden. As I said in my opening, I'm in North Carolina and am finishing this post on my ipad...and so far I can't figure out how to insert pictures on the iPad.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Spelling correction

Notice: I found the icon to correct the spelling on the Bio side if this blog. Folks was spelled floks and now it is corrected! For those of you who never noticed, good for you. But for the writers, and proof readers,breath a deep sigh, as I did, it is done! And I feel very smart! (smile) I still cannot add pictures from my iPad. The one I added came from my home computer. I will not be giving up and will celebrate when I figure this out. Looking forward to that.

Good morning

It's early. I like to get up at this time to settle my thoughts on the Lord for the up coming day by reading the Bible and having a cup of coffee. This often triggers thoughts of family and friends so I pray for those people and sometimes I will shoot off an email to one or more of my folks. This morning I had a wonderful idea, I would use my "Blog" to share a thought or two. I could not locate my dashboard(you guessed it, I'm on my iPad) so it took me about 10 minutes of searching. I am happy to report that I found the "Dashboard", so here are those thoughts..... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21) I think of evil as really BAD things,like shooting innocent people, talking ugly about someone even if it is true, being jealous of something belonging to another, and granted those are pretty evil. But as I was reading in Romans 12:9-21 I was surprised by some things listed there for us to pursue so as not to be overcome with evil. Here they are: v.9 let love be genuine, v.10b outdo one another in showing honor, v.11 do not be slothful in zeal, v.12 rejoice in hope, be patient in tribualtion, be constant in prayer, v.13 contribute to the needs of the saints, seek to show hospitality, (not to skip verse 14, but on to 15) rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep, v.16 live in harmony with one another, v.18 live peaceably with all. v.21 do not be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good. The one verse that really captured my imagination, out of all those commands, is 10b, "outdo one another in showing honor". It jumped off the page when I read it both yesterday and today. I think honor is a lost virture. I have believed,in the past, that you give honor to whom honor is due. But what consitiutes "due"? I have given honor to teachers that I did not much like, or sales people that did not do a great job, but...for daily ways to implement this "outdoing" into my walk with the Lord, my husband came to mind, (he works from home, so we are together in the house everyday). I imagine he would be glad to know I'm having these thoughts. But really, can I "outdo" him in showing honor? I'll keep you posted on this journey as I work out this LITTLE command into my walk with the Lord. God says these pursuits will keep me from falling headlong into evil, that sounds great. And I might be a blessing to someone in the process. Now that would be a great day!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I found my dashboard! and ... I put it in my favorites on my home computer.   I hope I can fine it on my ipad. I still haave not fount how to correct my spelling error...will keep looking...