Friday, July 6, 2012

Blog with Pictures...

  This the the thing, blogs are supposed to be consistent, though I have an ipad, I cannot make it apply pictures.  But I still want to write this blog so I will when I am home and can use my home computer.  I can hope that I become better at using my ipad so I can be more regular in posting,because really, who wants a blog without pictures. And when I am traveling, I have no access to them.

  I arrived in Durham on June 3, a Sunday.  The Busbee's had also arrived home that day from a short vacation to the Outer Banks.  Melanie (my daughter in love) was to start back to work on the following Monday, and so she did.  I was a little apprehensive as to my skill level with a three month old and an almost three year old.  I found that there are somethings you don't forget.  I very quickly found my rhythm and we were off to a wonderful two week and two day adventure. 

   Caleb and I like to go outside in the morning and throw a ball or two off the porch, or blow bubbles or whatever strikes our fancy.  When I first arrived, Miss Natalie was pron to taking a morning nap while we played on the porch. We kept the baby monitor handy as I was not sure if I would hear Natalie cry.
  This was taken early in my visit as well while Caleb was taking his afternoon nap.  Natalie and I did not play ball, but we had a ball talking about birds and brothers and the Bible.  Now isn't that just the sweetest smile.

  Before I go back to North Carolina I will post again.  There is so much to say about the last months.  God Bless each of you who read this brief update.


  1. So very sweet. We can't wait till the next visit!

    1. Me too....I am going to try to blog at least 2 more blogs befor I stay tuned....
